Violet-Dragonfly's avatar


Uhm u.u
73 Watchers225 Deviations

A volte tornano

1 min read
Non che me ne sia mai andata. 
Ma era da settimane che non aprivo la mia pagina su questo sito. E sarei una bugiarda a dire che sia tutta colpa della maturità. 
In realtà, sono di una pigrizia davvero inimmaginabile. Al mio confronto i bradipi sono iperattivi e fatti come dei caffeinomani.

Ma.. appunto, per quanto mi ritenga vergognosa.. eccomi. Non so per quanto riuscirò a rimanere in pianta stabile (in ogni caso, volente o nolente, la maturità si avviiiicina, e con lei tutto il suo seguito di veriiiifiche..) ma, ehy. Sono qui. Non sprechiamo tempo. 

Un saluto speciale alla mia cara, carissima Furiarossa. Scusa se ogni volta sembro non tornare più. Potranno passare i mesi, ma prima o poi questa cariatide tornerà sempre. Lei, e i suoi commenti. :)
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The test

21 min read
Io ho una passione per questi cavolo di test.. ne ho trovato uno diverso, sempre sulle Mary-sue! :D

The Test

Their name is unusual for their world/time/country (3 points) Uhm, non credo. Non è neanche disusato in questo mondo. Il mio vicino di casa si chiama così..
...It's your name (1 point) Nah, non sono un uomo .-.
...It's a normal name, just spelled differently, such as 'Dayve' (1 point) Ma è un nome normale.. ç.ç
...It's a random name you just made up, such as Ulionaka (1 point) Eh? No!
..It has some special significance (1 point) Per il personaggio ha solo un'idea di suono..
...They also have a really cool nickname (1 point) Direi proprio di no, è uno di quei dannati nomi senza nickname.

Score: 0

Their eye colour is unusual for their world/time/country (2 points) Nah, è una specie così.
...This colour happens to be red (1 point) Caso FORTUITO e nulla più.
...Their eyes change colour/have any other unusual traits (2 points) Nah..
...They have odd-coloured eyed (e.g one is blue one is brown) (1 point) No, proprio no. Rossi e basta.
...They have a 'haunting' or 'powerful' gaze (2 points) Da cacciatore, più che altro. Sono masochista e mi aggiungo due punti.
...They are outcast/discriminated against because of it (2 points) Eh?? No, più che altro è lui che discrimina il mondo!

Score: 3

Their hair/fur colour and/or style is unusual for their world/time/country (3 points) No, per niente. Il nero è un colore comunissimo.
...Their hair/fur changes colour (2 points) Se, diventano verde mela. Ma per favore..
...They are outcast/discriminated against because of it (2 points) Ancora? ENNE O.

Score: 0

They are highly attractive to others (4 points) Altro caso FORTUITO, ma qui si parla di aspetto muscoloso T.T'
...But they don't think they are as attractive as others claim (2 points) No no, che? Lo sa BENISSIMO e infatti ne va fiero come non so cosa!
...They look like you (1 point) Ahah, direi di no. Sempre perchè sono una femmina e sono piccoletta.
...They look how you wished you look (2 points) Non vorrei mai avere i muscoli che ha lui X'D
...They look similar to a celebrity (1 point) No, per niente.
...They look similar to an anime/cartoon character (2 points) Nein.
...They have had children, yet still have a perfect figure (2 points) Beh, sai com'è, è un uomo... anche qui sono buona e mi aggiungo due punti, tanto per.

Score: 6

They are currently in a relationship (2 points) No, scusa.. è da mary sue questo? E che devo fare, lasciarlo scapolo?
...Their lover has eyes only for them (2 points) Beh, se sono sposati..
...Their lover is abusive (-2 points) Che vuol dire abusivo? Come una casa? Sì, comunque è abusivo.. boh..
...Thier lover is a lover you would want yourself (2 points) Nah.

Score: 4

They dress according to a certain sterotype (Punk, Emo, etc) (3 points) No, relativamente alla sua razza .-.
...They dress unusually/unacceptably for their setting (2 points) No, è proprio un Normalone..
...They dress how you dress (2 points) No, mi spiace.
...They dress how you wish you could get away with dressing (3 points) .... eh?

Score: 0

They have a noticeable scar (1 point) Non credo ne abbia .-.
...That does not detract from their overall appearance (make them less attractive) (3 points) Beh, non ne ha..
...In fact, it makes them seem more 'cool' or 'badass' or 'mysterious' (3 points) Non ne ha T.T'
...The scar has left them disfigured/undesirable (-4 points) aaaaaah!

Score: 0

(For girls only) They are thin, and yet still have a large bra size (unless they have implants) (3 points)
...They have fake breasts (-2 points)


They are very strong and/or muscular, yet never work out/have a bad diet (3 points) No, quello no. Ha una bella muscolatura, ma perchè si tiene in forma!
...Their figure does not reflect their eating habits (e.g. All they eat is junk food, they they are still in great shape)(2 points) No no, giuro che le raffigura -.-'

Score: 0

They are disliked/hated by jealous people for their looks (4 points) Nah... al massimo è invidiato. Le femmine ci sbavano un po' dietro..

Score: 0

They are of a race/species that is discriminated against (2 points) Ma neanche un po'
...They are a half-breed/mix (1 point) Nah.
...They are discriminated against because of this (2 points) NO.
...They campaign against this discrimination (1 point) Se, ciao.. è lui il discriminatore -.-'
...They eventually abolish this discrimination (3 points) Seeee... come no.
...They try to abolish this discrimination, but fail (-3 points) Ahahah, ciao bello.

Score: 0

They are a half-breed, and get the best of both sides (3 points) Ma non fa a mezzo con nessuno .-.
...They are a half-breed and get the worst of both sides (-3 points) NO T.T'

Score: 0

They have animal ears and/or claws and/or a tail (ignore if you character IS an animal) (3 points) No xD
...They only have cat/wolf/fox ears (3 points) No, non c'entra proprio una mazza.
...They are some kind of mutant (2 points) NO.

Score: 0

There are some kind of/partly some kind of mythical creature (e.g. Vampire, werewolf, elf etc.  Ignore if they live in a world where this is common, e.g. being an Elf in the Eragon universe) (4 points) Ah ah ah. Non c'entrano proprio niente con niente di tutto ciò x'D
...And they consider this to be a curse (4 points) Maledetto? Ahah, ma se si vanta!
...But they are immune to that creature's weaknesses (e.g. A vampire immune to garlic) (3 points) Visto che non è una razza soprannaturale, no.. direi proprio di no.
...They were made into this creature by a lover (e.g. Bella Swan from Twilight) (4 points) Dai suoi genitori vale? X'D L'hanno fatto così.

Score: 0

They can summon any kind of creature or object at will (2 points) Non ha poteri magici .-.
...They cannot control when said creature/object appears (-1 point) Eh.. no.

Score: 0

They are possessed/inhabited/bonded to a supernatural being (e.g an angel or a demon.  Ignore if this is common, such as having a daemon in the Golden Compass universe) (4 points) Ahahah, NOOOO.
...This gives them special powers/abilities (3 points) Il potere di rompere le scatole.
...They consider this a curse (3 points) Non l'ha, non l'ha!
...The being gives them advice/protection (2 points) NO.
...They willingly give up this being, even though they were benefiting from being joined with them (-3 points) No T.T'

Score: 0

They have an unusual pet for their setting (3 points) Impossibile tenere animali .-.
...This pet is a wolf/big cat/fox/bird of prey (3 points) Ahah, se si vuole far mangiare...

Score: 0

They have unusual/opposed opinions and ideas (2 points) Uhm, dipende rispetto a cosa. Però direi di no.
...They share the same views as you (2 points) No, per niente.
...They are discriminated against for these views (2 points) Per niente -.-'
...Their opinions are scientifically/morally 'correct' (e.g. A person living in the middle ages who believes the world is round, a rich white man in the 1700's who is opposed to slavery) (2 points) Moralmente per la sua razza, sì. E' appunto un Normalone.
...They eventually give in and change their views/abandon their ideas (-3 points) QUESTO SI'!

Score: -1 OLE'!

They begin/inspire/lead some sort of revolution or uprising (4 points) Uhm... no.
...The revolution/uprising is successful (2 points) No. XD
...They die in the process (3 points) Ma direi negativo... non l'ha neppure iniziata.
...The revolution/uprising is not successful (-3 points) NO T.T'

Score: 0

They can fly (2 points) Sì, giù da una rupe.
...They have wings (2 points) Direi di no, e non gli piacciono.
...They can fly without wings (2 points) Sempre giù da una rupe.
...They fly using a machine they created/invented themselves (2 points) Ma va..
...They cannot fly in a world where flying is common (-3 points) Err... no.

Score: 0

They disrespect/dislike authority figures (2 points) Uhm. Questo sì, almeno all'inizio.
...Because they are just a rebellious character (2 points) Mettiamo di sì, anche se non è proprio proprio così..
...Because of something that was done to them/a friend/a family member by said authority figure/s (2 points) Err. No.
...They have good reason to dislike them (-1 point) Mah, neanche poche X'D
...They openly voice their opinions about said authority figure/s yet never get into trouble (3 points) No no, i guai ci sono stati eccome.
...They openly voice their opinions about said authority figures and are punished much more harshly than necessary/is usual (3 points) No, quello no.

Score: 3

One of their parents is dead (2 points) In verità sono due.
...Both of their parents are dead (4 points) Ecco, appunto.
...Their parents were murdered/their death was unjust (3 points) Beh, direi. Uccisi semplicemente perchè camminavano sul pavimento D:
...Your character is out to avenge their death/s (3 points) No.
...But they do not succeed in avenging them (-3 points) Ahahah, non ci prova neanche.
...They never knew their parents (1 point) No no, li ha conosciuti eccome.
...They don't know it, but they are actually royalty/heir to a fortune etc (4 points) Ahahaha, no X'D

Score: 7

The people they live with/the people who look after them are unkind/irresponsible (3 points) No, forse troppo responsabili.
...The people/person who looks after them dislikes/hates them (2 points) No, per niente.
...This hate is unjustified/unfair (3 points) Beh, se ci fosse sarebbe alla fine giusto X'D

Score: 0

In the past has your character...
...Been abused? (2 points) No.
...Neglected? (2 points) No XD
...Bullied? (1 point) E' lui che bullizza!
...Tortured? (2 points) Nein.
...Abandoned? (2 points) No, è lui che abbandona -.-
...Run away from home (without going back)?(2 points) Yeppa. Ma è andato via tranquillo, niente di che.
...Unjustly accused/punished for a crime/scandal? (2 points) No.
...Witnessed/caused the death of a family member/friend/lover (3 points) Nah... che brutto.

Score: 2

Children and/or animals instinctively like them (3 points) No, anzi.
...Because of some power they possess (2 points) No, non ha poteriiii T.T'
...Because they are 'special' or ' chosen' (2 points) NOOOO.
...But your character dislikes children and/or animals (-3 points) Ahahah, quello sì X'D

Score: - 3 MA VAI!

They are intelligent (2 points) Mmm... lasciamo la questione aperta.
...They are top of their class/profession (2 points) Professione, sì. E' parecchio bravo a cucire, non c'è altro da dire.
...They are very modest about it (1 point) Per niente.
...Their intelligence makes them feel isolated (2 points) Per NIENTE.
...They are a genius/prodigy (3 points) No.
...They are disliked/hated by jealous people for their intelligence (2 points) NO T.T'
...They are an inventor (3 points) No. Il figlio lo sarà, lui no.
...They make a groundbreaking new discovery (3 points) No XD
...They are famous/well respected for their intelligence/work (2 points) NEIN.
...They have a big ego/are a show-off about it (-3 points) ESATTAMENTE!
...You would describe them as a 'troubled genius' type (5 points) No.

Score: -1

They are the best as what they do (3 points) Errr... altra questione irrisolta.
...Even though they are young/fairly new to it (3 points) Aahaha, giovane? E' abbastanza vecchio, ora che ci penso.. quasi 30 anni.
...They learnt a new skill that normally takes a long time to master very quickly (3 points) No, ci ha messo tutta una vita per imparare!
...They can beat the professionals at their own game (3 points) No, dipende game di chi..
...They are always very modest and don't accept compliments (1 point) AAHAHAHA, CONTACI.
...They have a big ego/are a show off about it (-3 points) ECCOLO QUIIII
...They had to work hard for many years to become the best at it (-2 points) esattamente, vedo che ci siamo intesi.

Score: - 5

They can shapeshift (2 points) No, neanche un po'
...They can shapeshift into a wolf/big cat/bird of prey/fox/cat (2 points) Ancora? E che palle.
...Then can shapeshift into anything (3 points) No.
...Including inanimate objects (1 point) In uno zerbino, quasi quasi..
...But they lose this power during the story (-3 points)</b> NO T.T' non le aveva prima, non le ha neanche ora!
...They cannot shapeshift but live in a world where it is common (-3 points) No. T.T

Score: 0

They possess healing powers (2 points) Al massimo il contrario..
...These powers are strong enough to cure serious, life-threatening injuries/illnesses (3 points) Ahaha, magari uccidendoti.
...They use these powers to save a lover/friend/family member/other important person from death (3 points) Ceeeerto...
...Although they possess these powers, they are unable to save a lover/friend/family member/other important person (-1 point) No, dai, che ansia.
</b>...They live in a world where healing powers are common but do not possess them themself (-3 points) No, direi di no.

Score: 0

They are telekinetic/pyrokinetic/clairvoyant/have sixth sense etc (3 points) Sai cosa è un Normalone? Uno che non possiede niente di tutto ciò.
...They are strong in this power (2 points) No T.T
...They use this power to protect save someone important (2 points) NOO.
...They live in a world where these powers are common, but do not possess them themself (-3 points) NO D:

Score: 0

They can communicate with the dead/otherworldy spirits/other supernatural beings (2 points) Neanche per caso.
...They consider this to be a curse (2 points) Se non l'ha, il problema non sussiste.
...They communicate with a dead lover/family member/friend (3 points) No, quella è stata sua moglie, una volta .-.
...They gain advice and insight from the spirits/beings (2 points) NO.

Score: 0

Their power/s appeared suddenly at a critical moment (3 points) ehm.... NO.

Score: 0

They look younger than they really are (2 points) No, sembra normale ò.ò
...They never age (3 points) No, invecchia in dieci anni!
...They are immortal (3 points) Sì, come un fiore.
...They look older than they really are (-3 points) Err.. no. E' nella norma.
...They are aged between 10 and 18 (2 points) No.
...They are aged between 19-30 and look (1 points) Direi di sì .-. cosa c'è di così strano?
...They are aged between 31-50 and look their age (-1 point) NO T.T
...They are aged over 50 and look their age (-2 points) ahahah, no.
...They only look younger than they should because of plastic surgery (-3 points) o.O

Score: 1

They have a disorder (such as bi-polar, split-personality, OCD, etc) (8 points) Egocentrismo innato vale?
...This is used to excuse much of their behaviour (5 points) Err..
...This is used to try and gain sympathy for this character (5 points) No, in verità il mio caro signorino ogni tanto si fa odiare.
...They end up hurting a friend/relative/lover due to their disorder (5 points) Uhm, no.

Score: 0

They have amnesia (can't remember their past) (4 points) Se lo ricorda fin troppo bene.
...They slowly begin to remember throughout the story (1 point) No, se se lo ricorda..
...And they don't like what they remember (2 points) Non gli piace lo stesso, ma se lo ricorda.
...They remember that they did something terrible/something terrible happened (3 points) No.
...It takes one key event/person/place/etc an they remember everything (2 points) .....
...They never regain their memory, and never find anybody who can tell them what happened (-4 points) Che bello. Ma non è questo il caso

Score: 0

They have a very good/photographic memory (3 points) Beh, cosa c'è di particolare? Non gliel'ho mai chiesto, non abbiamo mai giocato a memory..
...and this does not serve any purpose in the plot (3 points) Boh, sinceramente non lo so.

Score: 0

They suffer from insomnia (2 points) Decisamente no.
...although this does not affect their grades at school/performance at work (3 points) No .-. ha gli incubi, che c'entra?

They have a very bad phobia of something (2 points) Ahahah, sì! E' terrorizzato dall'acqua!
...This is due to some event in their past (3 points) No.
...They eventually get over it (1 point) Mmm.. più o meno. Facciamo di no, ne avrà sempre il terrore.
...It vanishes at a critical moment (3 points) No, decisamente no.
...It affects their everyday life and they never get over it (-3 points) Ecco, appunto.

Score: -1

You would describe them as quirky, unique, different, weird, individual etc. (4 points) Sono certa che ciascuno di noi è unico al mondo X'D
...They never follow the crowd (2 points) Non posso ragionare in questi termini.. la folla non esiste nel mio mondo.
...They reject all popular music, fashion etc (3 points) No.
...They have weird habits that are supposedly endearing (3 points) No.
...Some people think they're crazy (3 points) Ahahah, sì! Decisamente!
...They are very 'individual' (3 points) In che senso? Particolare? No va beh..

Score: 3

They are good at art (4 points) Neanche un po' :'D
...They paint (2 points) Sì, come no.
...Their paintings/drawings/carvings etc are good enough to sell (3 points) Ahahah..
...They are very modest about their skill (2 points) Modesto? Anche se fosse in artista sarebbe sempre borioso!
...You would describe them as a 'troubled artist' type (5 points) No.
...They are utterly hopeless at art (-1 point) In verità non ci ha mai provato XD
...They are a show-off (-1 point) SEMPRE LUI.
...They had to work hard for a long time to become good at art (-2 points) Non ci pensa neanche a diventarlo..

Score: 0

They are good at music (4 points) Eh? Suonare? Mandove?
...They play a musical instrument to a high standard (2 points) Il pianoforte... ahahahah ma vaaa
...They play more than one musical instrument to a high standard (Ignore if these are similar instruments such as a Trumpet and a Flugelhorn, or a Guitar and a Ukelele)(4 points) Fuori. Discussione.
...They play the flute, harp, drums, and/or the guitar (2 points) NO.
...They sing in tune, with a nice voice (2 points) Una bella voce? Non stiamo parlando di lui.
...They are a virtuoso (4 points) NO.
...They compose music/songs (2 points) NO XD
...These compositions are good enough to be published(4 points) Come vendere i quadri...
...They are very modest about their skill (2 points) Sempre quello..
...They are a show off (-1 point) ovviamente sì.
...They had to work hard for a long time to become good at music (-2 points) NON SUONA PROPRIO.

Score: 0

They are good at writing/poetry (4 points) Non gli piace scrivere.. quello lo fa la sua compagna .-.
...They are writing/have written a novel (2 points) NO.
...This novel is good enough to be published (4 points) NO.
...They write poems (2 points) Epici su se stesso, magari X'D
...These poems are 'emotional' and 'deep' (3 points) Seeeeee
...These poems are good enough to be published (4 points) Sempre quella domanda..
...They are modest about their skill (2 points) ENNE O.
...They are a show off (-1 point) OVVIAMENTE.
...They had to work hard for a long time to become good at writing (-2 points) E che palle.

Score: 0

(ignore these next few questions if your character does not attend school)
They are top of their class at school (2 points)
...Even though they do not try/work very hard (2 points)
...They are top of their class, but have to work hard to get/stay there (-2 points)
...They could be top of their class, but don't try art school (-1 point)
...They do badly at school (-2 points)
...Even though they try (-2 points)

Saltiamo va, che ha scuola non ci andò mai volentieri.

(ignore these next few questions of your character does not have a job)
They have an exciting and/or unusual job (2 points)
...They have a job you wish you had (2 points)
...They hate their job (-3 points)
...They did not willingly choose their job (-2 points)

Pure questo, lavora in proprio..

They have a curse upon them (3 points) Ma fuori questioneeeee...
...They never manage to break the curse (-3 points) Non l'ha proprio, è questo il fatto.

Score: 0

They are part of a prophecy (3 points) No.
...They are central to said prophecy (4 points) NO.
...They never fulfill the prophecy (-2 points) oh santo cielo, NO.

Score: 0

They were born on an important date (e.g. The Summer Solstice, New Year's Eve etc) (3 points) Un giorno sfigato, venerdì 17. Non credo conti.
...This has significance in the story (2 points) Non più di tanto ma sì!

Score: 2

They have a sibling from whom they were separated at birth (2 points) No... in verità ha un fratello, ma non ci va d'accordo X'D
...This sibling is an identical twin (3 points) Per niente.
...This sibling was separated for a reason (2 points) No.

Score: 0

They have a 'special' or 'different' type of soul (3 points) Nera come la pece... ahahah.
...They have the wrong body for their (e.g. A human with an animal soul) (3 points) Err... no.

Score: 0

Their parents/guardians are very restrictive (2 points) Se sono morti..
...For no apparent reason (2 points) Sono morti..
...Because they have outdated views/do not 'understand' your character (3 points) Va beh, lassam pert.

Score: 0

They are 'random' and/or 'hyper' (5 points) Decisamente no.

Score: 0

They smoke/chew tobacco (-1 point) Tabacco? Non sa neanche che sia.
...And never break the habit (-2 points) No.
...But never get any of the bad health affects such as yellow teeth and fingers, emphysema and cancer (3 points) Ahahah, no X'D
...They do get these bad side effects (yellow teeth, cancer etc) (-3 points) Niente di niente, visto che non fuma.

Score: 0

They are an alcoholic (-2 points) Eh.. che esagerazione. Un po' beveva..
...They spend more than they can afford on alcohol (-2 points) No.
...Their habits drive away their relatives and friends (-3 points) Uhm..
...And they suffer the ill-health affects associated with excessive drinking (-2 points) Non è questo il caso, mi sa.
...Depsite their alcoholism, they do not lose any friends or suffer side-affects (4 points) No no, tranquilli.

Score: 0

They are overweight (not just a little bit chubby, I mean properly overweight)(-2 points) No, poverino. E' solo muscoloso D:
They are obese (-4 points) Decisamente no.
They stay overweight/obese throughout the whole story (-3 points) No D:

Score: 0

They are addicted to either legal or illegal drugs, or solvents (-3 points) No, dai..
...They spend more than they can afford on these drugs (-2 points) NO T.T
...They lose friends and estrange relatives because of their habits (-3 points) Oh, santo cielo.
...They suffer the side effects of these drugs (-3 points) No.
...They remain addicted throughout the story (-2 points) No.
...Even though they are addicted to these drugs, they don't lose any friends or suffer side-effects (4 points) NO.

Score: 0

They are irritable, grumpy and have a short temper, and remain this way throughout the story (-3 points) ECCOLO QUI!

Score: - 3

They are a bully (-2 points) altamente bullo!

Score: -2

They are emotionless (-2 points) No, poveretto, un po' di affetto è in grado di darlo D:

Score: 0

Total score: 15!

30 or Less- In the Clear
If your character scored here, then well done!  Your character is most likely well-balanced, and believable.  If your character is scoring in the upper end of this category you may want to just adjust and tone down a few aspects, but overall it should be fine.  Don't worry about your character scoring too low; there's nothing wrong with that.

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Hey folks,

Two great news today! :D

The first one.. well, I am partecipating to a contest, on facebook. So I want to ask you if you are so kind to LIKE IT my work here:…:



Okay, you can do a commission on a black or with or colorful drawing (pencil) about dresses - see my works about Hunger Games Fashion - or girl characters' profiles - see my work "Febe" -

The costs for the moment are:

- 25 :points: for a profile

- 50 :points: for a black and white profile

- 55 :points: for a black and white dress

- 65 :points: for a colorful dress

Commission Open by MK-FireQueen
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Ho visto questo test e ho deciso di sperimentarlo.. prendendo in considerazione solo uno dei miei cicli di racconti. Vediamo.

[ ] They are possessed by an angel - no, direi che hanno proprio, fin troppo, un loro cervello -
[ ] They are possessed by a demon - idem come sopra -
[ ] They are a werewolf/vampire/faerie - magari fosse così semplice -
[ ] They are physically strong - pochi, troppo pochi. Uno o due. Al massimo tre. -
[ ] They have a rare hair/fur colour - direi di no -
[X] Their eyes are an unusual colour - troppe razze, troppi colori -  
[ ] This happens to be red - urr.. un paio e basta! -
[ ] Their eyes change colour - nein -
[X] They have wings - alcuni -
[ ] They can grow extra body parts/shapeshift - nah -
[ ] They are immortal - no, anzi. tutt'altro. Muoiono come niente -
[ ] (if a female) they have large boobs - sì.. come no. Infatti la maggior parte è minorata XD -
[ ] (if a male) they are very muscular - un paio e basta -  
[ ] They are very attractive to the opposite gender. - nah, dipende ma per lo più no -
[ ] They are telekinetic/pyrokinetic/etc - nein -
[ ] They have sixth sense/can mind-read/etc - direi proprio di no -
[ ] They have an object of some sort that gives them powers. - un ago si più considerare un oggetto che dona potere? -
[ ] They have a special ability/power, but they don't know about it yet - no -
[ ] They were bestowed/cursed with these powers - no XD -
[ ] They are a healer - al massimo distruttori -
[X] They are talented - beh, in tutti noi c'è un po' di talento -
[ ] They a re from a very rich/royal family - ahah, no. -
[ ] They don't know that they are from a very rich/royal background - no! -
[X] They have lost one/both of their parents - non è questione di essere orfani, semplicemente d'età! -  
[X] They ran away from home - un po' di gente, sì. Ma solo perchè a casa ormai non ci stava più nessuno -
[ ] Their parents are cruel, uncaring, abusive etc. - no, sono morti. Beh, a parte un paio che in effetti sono stronzi. -
[ ] They witnessed one/both of their parent's death - no -
[ ] They are part angel/demon/faerie/some other mythical creature - no XD -
[X] They never knew their parents - sempre questione di età e razza. Molti crepano prima -
[ ] They were abused/spoiled as a child - no! -
[ ] They are very attractive to the same gender - no! -
[ ] They have lots of friends/no friends - ma questa non ha senso.. o li hanno o non li hanno. Stanno nella media! -
[ ] They are emo/cutesy - no -.-''' -
[X] They look much younger/older than they really are. - più giovani, soprattutto le signorine. -
[X] They are currently in a relationship - ed essere in una relazione sarebbe da Mary Sue? o.o -
[ ] They have lots if morals and state them a fair bit for example: 'I would rather be with my friends than with my boyfriend/girlfriend' 'Nothing matters more to me than my friends/family' 'I wouldn't hesitate to die in place of a friend' etc. It's fine if your OC has these beliefs/values, but if they constantly say them out loud/preach them to others, then we have a problem. - no, mica lo ripetono ogni cinque minuti. E che è.. -
[ ] They have a mental disorder - nuo -
[X] They have an emotional disorder - più che altro, mancanza d'affetto XD -
[ ] They struggle to stay sane - non sono così conciati -
[ ] They are a psycho - no -
[ ] They have multiple personalities - ahah, un paio e basta XD -
[ ] They are very intelligent - nella media, stelline.. -
[ ] They have hallucinations - ma va -
[ ] They can summon spirits/demons/angels etc. - fuori questione -
[ ] They have an unusual/unrealistic pet - direi proprio di no -
[ ] They have a guardian spirit - no -
[ ] They have a 'special type' of soul - no -
[ ] Their soul is not the same as them - no! -
[ ] They can talk to spirits/ghosts - No -
[ ] Some part of their body glows - ahahaha, non brilla niente, tranquilli XD -
[X] They have a rare/unusual name - disusati, più che altro! -
[ ] They were born on an important date, such as New Year's Eve, Midsummers Night, The Winter Solstace etc. - NUO -
[ ] They have a twin/sibling that they were separated from at birth/a young age - NO -
[ ] They are connected with a certain element - ah-a, no -
[ ] They are connected with a certain animal - no -
[X] They always dress like a certain 'label'  - come la razza vuole, ovviamente -
[ ] They look quite a bit like a character from a popular anime/manga - no, non li leggo neppure -
[ ] They are a race/species that is discriminated against/misunderstood - no, anzi -
[ ] They have a certain power that is misunderstood/feared - no -
[ ] They live/lived on the streets at some point in their lives - non ci sono nemmeno, le strade XD -
[X] They are hiding from someone/something - ma tutto alla fine s'aggiusta! -
[ ] They have a rare blood type - urr.. no -
[ ] They cry blood - NO! Non sono mica vampiri.. -
[ ] Certain noises/smells/situations/etc make their powers activate/give them a nervous breakdown - nein -
[ ] They are from a different country to where they live - no -
[ ] They are very mysterious/dark - neanche un po' -
[X] They are very lively/happy - ovvio! Ma vi pare una cosa così negativa? -
[X] Their mood changes a lot/very quickly - un paio di disturbi del comportamento, tutto sotto controllo! -  
[] They are very patient - magari -
[X] They are from a long line of... - vita brutta? Yep -
[X] They have a piece of jewelry/clothing that they always wear - ovvio! -
[ ] They have amnesia - direi proprio di no XD -
[ ] They have some sort of permanent medical condition - no -
[ ] The have a curse upon them - NO -
[ ] They are involved in some sort of prophecy - profezia? Nah.. -
[ ] They are 'the chosen one' - come Harry Potter? No! -
[ ] They have insomnia - incubi, non insonnia. Magari stessero insonni..

Overall: 16

Point Reductions:
Take points off your OCs overall score if they fit any of the following statements:

[ ] They smoke
[X] They are an alcoholic - ahaha, un PAIO XD -
[ ] They are overweight
[ ] They are addicted to drugs
[ ] They have a short temper
[X] They enjoy bullying others - ovvio -
[ ] They do not care much about others
[X] They are emotionless - alcuni -

Results: 13

< 5 Anti-Sue
Your character may be a bit on the boring side. Of course, this does depend, but generally if they are scoring that low, it wouldn't hurt to 'spice them up' a bit ^^

6-15 Balanced Character

She has some things that make her exciting and different, but she's not too over the top.

16-25 Borderline Mary-Sue
We have a problem. You need to tone your character down. They are most likely a bit annoying to others, too.

26 < Mary-Sue

Ehy, i miei ragazzi sono bilanciati! Evviva! XD
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Three weeks ago I read the Hunger Games and I fell in love with those books, in particular for the crazy and macabre need of fashion of Capitol City.
It's like see sacrificial victims rigged as the wedding day, most in a terrible and grotesque way.

Because of this idea I decided to create my own Parade fashion dedicated to the Districts, includes District 13.

Well, I hope you'll enjoy my work! :D

I will post 4 drawings per week - maybe something more.
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A volte tornano by Violet-Dragonfly, journal

The test by Violet-Dragonfly, journal

Yey, news! Contest and commissions! by Violet-Dragonfly, journal

Mary sue? Speriamo di no XD by Violet-Dragonfly, journal

Hunger Games - in a fashion way by Violet-Dragonfly, journal